Puppets Love God Too....

Welcome to The Rocky and Helping Hand Blogspot. Please feel free to look around and check out what our show has to offer to children who are curious about God and the Bible. Each episode will teach the word and entertain your kids as our fun loving puppets teach, play, and bumble around.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New times are comming

Hello everyone,
My name is Paul Santellana. I am the creator of the Rocky and Helping Hand Show. For the past year or more I have been creating a puppet show to reach children and teach all the joys of of the bible and what it means to be a Christian. I plan to write 52 episodes of great child friendly curriculum along with a few extra "movies" that will be for special events like Easter, Christmas, and other important events. All the past episodes were "experiments" leading to now. They helped me to tweak times and the video to keep a child's interest. I believe I have reached a point where I can entertain and teach our children with important topics. So please pray for the show and it's future.

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